The Sababa Programming Language

Possible Expansion and Contributing

First of all, I'd like to whoever go to this point for reading the book. I tried to make the documentation clear, and supply examples, I can only hope that my efforts were effective in conveying the information. I had a lot of fun playing around with Sababa, and learned a lot of things. These range from REGEX, to language structure, to the importance of planning bigger projects properly. Sababa is nowhere near a complete modern language, it lacks the community and functionality. But can be used for fun, or to introduce the basic structure of LISP-styled programming. I've always heard that Lisp was very powerful, in spite of its minimalistic design, and after this project I have been reassured. I'll cut my speech here, and get to future plans.

I'm unsure about my plans for Sababa's future. I started this project primarily to learn, but to have fun as well. I don't think I can currently devote the time and effort required to maintaing and expanding a language that has very little contemporary demand. Since there are excellent alternatives, such as my personal favourite Clojure, as well as others such as Scheme, Common Lisp etc. However, If you'd like to contribute to Sababa, or customize it for personal use, the source code, as I said before, will be available at:

In order to contribute, issue a pull request, I'll review it, and we'll take it from there.

Some Ideas for expansion I've come up with include, but are not limited to:

  • Adding Trigonometric and Calculus functions

  • Adding loops

  • Adding CLOP features (which are equivalent to OOP in other languages)

  • Making other primitive types, such as float, double, tuple etc.

  • Adding more data structures like structs, hashes/dictionaries, unions etc.

Finally, I'd like to thank Daniel Holden (again) for the code, guidance, and knowledge I've acquired from him.