The Sababa Programming Language

Download Instructions

There are several ways to download the source code for Sababa. There are however three prerequisites I can think of.

  1. You must have terminal or cygwin depending on your operating system (this is to run the REPL).

  2. The second being, that you need a C compiler installed onto your device (To compile the Sababa's source code). Clang or gcc amongst others. I'll be using clang.

  3. You may need to download the proper header files, depending on the operating system, and its version. The compiler should give you instructions on which to add/delete.

Now, for simplicity's sake, in order to download Sababa's source code, head to, find where it says "Download ZIP," unzip the file, and open terminal (or its equivalent). cd into the directory where you unzipped the .zip file, and run the compiler. I used clang, therefore, I'd issue the following command:

cc -std=c99 -Wall REPL.c mpc.c -ledit -lm -o REPL

All this does is, compiles the code (REPL.c) using the 99 version of C, and makes an executable called REPL. Hopefully, you didn't get any errors, and can then run the following:


If you see this following message:

Sababa Version
Press Ctrl+c to Exit


Then congratulations! You've successfully installed, and begin programming in Sababa.